Online Academic English 1 on 1
Academic English writing and presentation support for summit participants empowered by the University of Cape Town.
Thinking of publishing an outstanding paper from your unique research ideas, but struggling with your academic English? The one-on-one online academic English support from the University of Cape Town (UCT) can be the perfect tool to achieve your goals.
It is aimed at students planning to attend the Asia-Africa Youth Think Tank Summit or study a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at UCT or another university where English is the medium of instruction.
The academic course focuses broadly on the language skills and competencies you need to succeed in an English-speaking academic environment, including academic writing, giving presentations, making oral arguments, understanding lectures and note-taking. The course consists of a Speaking and Listening module and a Reading and Writing module.
For more information, please contact Ms Liling Yan at
- Timetable: Flexible Class
- Size: 1 on 1 online teaching
- Lessons per week: flexible
- Lesson duration: 50 mins
- Levels: all levels
- Start date: every Monday
- Minimum age: 18
- 上课时间: 灵活安排
- 上课形式:一对一线上安排
- 上课频率:灵活安排
- 每节时长:50分钟
- 英文水平:各水平均可
- 开课时间:每周一
- 最低年龄:18岁
Prices 价格
- 10 lessons:R8350 (8350兰特)
- 20 lessons:R15,350(15350兰特)
- 40 lessons:R28,850 (28850兰特)(可提供20周的南非学生签证申请)
- 100 lessons:R70,850(70850兰特 (可提供1年的南非学生签证申请)
* A registration fee at UCT, R 850/student, is included.
** On-site learning in Cape Town is possible. For those who purchase 40 or 100 lessons, UCT would provide an offer for a multiple-entry study-visa application. The study visa allows students to work 20 hours legally every week. It can be an excellent choice for those who would love to further their studies or take a gap year in South Africa. Any students who attended 80% of their courses will be given a certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.
* 课程费用包含850兰特的在开普敦大学的注册费。
** 针对于购买40节课和100节课的同学,开普敦大学会提供录取申请书,协助同学到南非的学生签证申请。南非的学生签证允许学生每周合法工作20个小时。这一课程可以作为同学们到南非做留学准备,或到南非度过一个有意义的间隔年的不错选择。出勤率高于80%的同学,都会获得开普敦大学语言中心提供的语言学习证明。